
Chinese Immersion Classroom

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

US landing, updated list, and recent activities

After a month and a half, I'm back in the States. What a trip back home.

Last week, fixing my jetlag and trying to be productive at the same time wasn't the best idea (took a long time fixing jetlag), but I got some things done :)

Being away from the internet/emails, I had to sit down and just read through all the emails I missed. BOY did that take a few days. I also took the opportunity of not working to go shopping for classroom materials and updated

Thursday, May 15, 2014

NCLC: National Chinese Language Conference 2014

Got back from the NCLC trip in LA, California about a week ago. What an experience, really! NCLC  stands for National Chinese Language Conference. It has been held every year in different locations of the US ever since 2007, I believe. This year happens to be in LA of California.

NCLC offers different workshops for teachers of Chinese Immersion teachers all over the country for 4 days straight. My teammates and I were fortunate enough to have our district offer us this opportunity to go.

There, I attended a few workshops (apps for Chinese Immersion students and student engagement in language immersion classrooms are just a couple of my favorites and most memorable) and also observed at Broadway Elementary School's Chinese Immersion.

A few things I want to mention about the conference:
  • Many of the workshops that were held were, at the most part, something that I already knew from my college courses. I'm not saying it's not beneficial, but a friendly reminders are never a bad thing.
  • Broadway Elementary school started their Chinese Immersion the same year our school started ours. Question: how was theirs a qualified school to show the entire nation's Chinese Immersion what a Chinese Immersion classroom should look like? It was a good place to observe anyways. They were very well worth the time, though!
    • They used traditional Chinese 
    • Kindergarten was doing guided reading during the time of observation
      • 4 guided reading stations
        • 1 listening: songs
        • 1 listening: read aloud
        • 1 listening: sounds like the teacher's previous lesson put on repeat
        • 1 speaking: with another instructor
    • 2nd grade was playing jeopardy
      • very well organized
      • everyone was participating
      • the name of the jeopardy is 百分百
    • 3rd grade was learning how to label different parts of a building and the names of it
      • a lot of encouragement for students to speak target language was used
      • half of the students were motivated to speak to each other in target language
    • They are looking for 4th grade teachers next year, haha!
  • Apps that have been used in the classroom that were beneficial
    • Explain Everything (we use it in our classroom too! CHECK)
    • Chinese Writer (check)
    • PuppetPals
  • Apps and online resources that were in the exhibition that were being sold
    • SnapLingo
    • MagiKids
    • eChinese
  • The exhibition had many books that were being sold and our district probably bought around a couple thousand dollars worth of books for next year. Talk about not enough books!

Overall, the experience was good. The networking was pretty successful in terms of getting to know other Chinese Immersion teachers and producers of potential companies that may or may not be the main sources of some of the immersion programs.

Something to note is that not all workshops are very applicable to all teachers and programs. All immersion programs are different in their own ways and it's very important to take or toss the information that is more applicable (I literally had to walk in to some workshops, decide, and either leave or stay for the entire thing. Yes, there were times when I walked into a workshop late because the previous workshop was not applicable.)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Almost official

All the changes that is happening (or happened) within the next month:

  • got my work computer
  • got my work log in
  • got my work email
  • will get my iPad Air for work
  • will finish student teaching next week
  • will leave state for NCLC conference
  • will work on curriculum for one week
  • will leave for Taiwan


So much change!
Need to embrace. But first, relax~

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Updated list!

Updated, again!

Conflict with Gen. Ed. Teachers

This is something I've noticed in the past and I'd like to point it out and make goals for myself.

GE teachers might not understand the struggles bilingual teachers have to face because they are not and will ever not be in the same shoe.

GE teacher support each other by sharing materials, lesson ideas, kids, etc. but bilingual teachers are... sometimes, just isolated on their own. Many of the materials has to be created on their own, lesson ideas on their own, and kids are only stayed in one classroom all day (unlike GE teachers who can share students). This causes a lot of separation with the grade level teams and may become stressful at times for the bilingual teachers. There are times where the bilingual teachers have double the meetings and take twice as long to make any materials than the GE teachers because of the language and the system in place. Due to misunderstandings/miscommunications, GE might think of bilingual teachers otherwise.

To help lessen the stress, I've made myself goals for next year.

  • to express to GE teachers, whenever appropriate and possible, the needs to translating on the materials given to teachers
  • to express reasons why I cannot be in meetings because I have other 100 meetings I have been pushing off
  • to be very opened in communication whenever I can to let others know my situation

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Schedule is almost all set. Just a few logistical things to go through. I'm glad to say our team decided on this together! So complicated though. I really wish there is a way I can just do the schedule my way... but got to remember I have a team and we gotta do it together!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My New Classroom Assignment and Scheduling

I am getting my new classroom!

It's very exciting until they assign me one classroom, I choose which bulletin boards to stay, what to add, figure out what should my classroom look like, and then I get reassigned to a different room. This happened twice. I was put in 3 rooms! The third room is now final (I hope). I will be in the 3rd/4th grade hallway with the other 3rd/4th grade teachers! I am very excited.

Recently, I've been figuring out my schedule. It's rather confusing.
I'll try to explain.

The green means the courses will be in English. I am planning to color any classes held in TL be in Yellow. The reason why I haven't color yellow is because I still have to see what the 3rd/4th team decides on; our schedule should match because we have Math, MAC and LAC together. MAC = Math ACceleration; LAC = Literacy ACceleration. As I wrote down Math in pen and colored it green, that class is already set. Now it is MAC and LAC where we have to decide where we want them.

As for literacy, I have two one-hour blocks. One for English, one for Chinese. I've talked to the CI team support (she's wonderful!!!) and she suggested I do:
  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
    • 20 min. Shared Reading
    • 40 min. Guided Reading
  • Tuesday and Thursday
    • 20 min. Shared Reading
    • 10 min. I do/We do Model
    • 30 min. Writing
I also might do that for English too.

On the schedule, I still need to put social studies (taught in Mandarin Chinese) and science (taught in English) on it. I would like to pair s.s. with Chinese literacy and sci. with English literacy. Ugh, we'll see how successful I am with that and if I'm not, I might have to talk to our support again or the principal.

????? What I am a little iffy about is if I will have any common planning time with the 3rd/4th team. Plan time is during specials (art, music, PE, and LRC). I wonder if I have any of the same time with any teachers. Need to ask that this Tuesday.

?????? I really would like half of my day to be in English and another half to be in TL. It doesn't seem to be possible at all. I could have chunks during the day but that is least ideal. I need to bring this up to the principal.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Helpful websites

These are some of the websites and blog I found months and months ago. This might be a great way to start searching for resources when I need it.

  • has a lot of flashcards. Because our program is an Immersion program, no English is encouraged to be used during class. That, I might need to edit.
  • is a bunch of activities, stories, videos, etc. on it. It's just a good resource to go to it whenever I need something for a lesson I just cannot find anywhere else.
  • mandarin-immersion.blogspot is a website that helped me find the other three websites. The teacher, 畢老师, is from Utah. The last updated blog was back in 2012. Even though that is a little outdated, it's a good place to find any activities or lessons s/he's done in the past.
  • might be a great website for my district to take a look at. We are still looking for books the kids can read during the school day so this might be a good website for us.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

BraniPOP's Main Idea and Details Table

I found this, a looooong time ago. I feel like this is a very good visual representation for the kids; it's a good 3D graphic organizer. I just have to translate to Chinese, which is fine, but the format is in .pdf so it's going to take some time.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Just updated this post!

Learning Pinyin

Found this website and found this photo
I can totally use this to put things for pinyin. Gotta make the list of pinyin first and then list what can go in the boxes!

This image would help me too

Below are some of the words the kiddos should/might know from previous years.
  1. b: 爸爸、杯子、八、脖子、斑马、鼻子、白色、帮忙
  2. p: 泡泡、牌子、平原、苹果、胖、朋友
  3. m: 妈妈、马、蚂蚁、玫瑰花、猫、门、门、么、没、明、美、名
  4. f: 饭、粉笔、番茄、范、风
  5. d: 弟弟、蛋、蛋糕、灯泡、袋子
  6. t: 土豆、桃子、头、汤、糖、兔子、土、太阳
  7. n: 奶奶、男生、女生、鸟、牛、
  8. l: 老师、老虎、蓝色、篮子、六
  9. g: 哥哥、歌、国旗、钢琴、骨头
  10. k: 扣子、哭、裤子、卡片、可乐、
  11. h: 花、河、黑、孩子、海、猴子、盒子、火
  12. j: 鸡、橘子、姐姐、九
  13. q: 七、钱、铅笔、桥
  14. x: 虾子、鞋子、心、熊、
  15. zh: 桌子、粥、针、猪、竹子、纸、蜘蛛、种子
  16. ch: 船、茶、虫、叉子、
  17. sh: 石头、沙滩、舌头、蛇、山、扇子、十
  18. r: 热狗、肉、人、日、热
  19. z: 紫色、粽子、在、作作业、作业、最、子
  20. c: 草、草莓、菜、村、存、层、菜
  21. s: 三、思、所、死、四、色、岁、森、扫地
  22. y: 鸭子、椅子、一、有、友、邮、油、游、右、幼、鱼、玉、渔
  23. w: 五、物、乌、舞、污、我、为、外、玩、万、完、晚、湾
  24. :u : 与鱼语雨玉鹬
  25. a: 啊阿爸把八怕爬嘛玛吗妈马发打大答他她它那哪拿啦拉卡擦哇
  26. o: 哦伯婆摸我
  27. e: 了乐车册色热可和喝河赫
  28. ei: 北佩没每美飞得累给黑嘿
  29. ai: 白百拜买拍带太奶来莱该改开凯还孩海
  30. ie: 别灭猎些写谢
  31. ao:
  32. ou:
  33. an:
  34. en:
  35. eng:
  36. ang:
  37. ong:

Edit 11/03/13: Maybe I'll just use pictures and put it in Wall Pockets by Post-It...
Edit 11/03/13 part 2: Maybe Pocket Chart Organizer is cheaper...
Edit 03/29/14: This might be a good center for the students to have. I might have to find a different chart for the kiddos to understand. [[half hour later... FOUND THEM!]]
Edit 05/05/16: I'm back... still thinking. Getting my grad school now and made me think of this. Starting from #24.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Oh gosh, where do I begin?

I don't think I've mentioned this, but I'm currently student teaching right now and starting to teach more and more as the year goes on. My school has been piloting edTPA for 5 years now and I'm part of the process. It's definitely a project that I need to give my undivided attention to do my best. My lessons and reflections will all be sent to Pearson (the all-time famous publisher) for evaluation. In short: it's a bigger deal than taking finals.

I've also been trying to order furniture for my next year's classroom. Here's the list I ordered:

  • 2 - kidney tables (might only get 1)
  • 1 - round table 48" in diameter
  • 3 - long tables 96" x 24"
  • 2 - cabinets [I'm not sure the dimensions but I requested the bigger ones]
  • 2 - 2-drawer file cabinets
  • 2 - 4-shelves bookshelves
  • 10 - trapezoid tables
  • 3 - big chairs for stations
  • 40 - medium shares
  • 30 - drawers/totes for each student (I will have a lot extra)
I'm still trying to see if there is a list of things I cannot have in my classroom in case I purchase "illegal" things. Still trying to wait on that list!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Signing Contract

I'm signing the contract some time this week! Gah... I can see myself growing as an individual to the most extreme but also need to prepare myself to see myself at my worst.

This blog I've written awhile ago still has some questions I want to ask.

I might also have to refer to this link again before I go sign to make sure all my questions are answered. Ugh... starting to forget my questions, again.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

看图识字 // 识字图卡

Found a pretty cool website for the kiddos I think. Not sure how much of it pertains to the curriculum I'll be using, but it's worth a shot to find something fun.

One thing I am a little iffy about... the ads on here might not be age appropriate. How are the founders of this trying to sell their products if kids can't even go on to view kids things?

I need to find a way to find something on this website and maybe find it on YouTube or something.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chinese New Year

I skipped a week's post... I'm sorry (to myself).

Chinese New Year celebration is a pain in th @ss for the Chinese Immersion program. It's fun, but painful to plan for. It's not supposed to be called "Chinese New Year" anyways.

Next year's ideas:

  • Start a month early
  • Review everyday for two weeks (maybe starting guided reading)
  • For the next week, review as a class, everyday.
  • For the week before the performance, review a couple more times
  • Have the kids say something one row at a time
  • Do I really want instruments?????
Song's ideas:
  • 对不起我的中文不好
  • 贺新年
  • 对面的同学看过来

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Struggles of a Bilingual Program (Dual and One-Way)

The article above did not catch me by surprise. In fact, I would like to use this article to talk about how common this may feel for many parents. Being in a bilingual classroom has many challenges everyone will face, including the students, parents, as well as teachers. It's as easy as 1-2-3 to be bilingual. Hard work and time commitment are necessary by all parties.

In the article, the mom was told to have her daughter have playdates and to request a tutor for her to be more successful in Spanish. Luckily, she is in a dual immersion program. In order for a program to be a "dual immersion program" the population of the students should be 50% native English speakers and 50% target language speakers. If the mom feels frustrated because she is not giving enough support in Spanish, chances are, there might be parents who feel the same but for English. Who knows? Parents can work together to find a time where the kids can interact with each parent at different times (but equal amount of times) to practice each language.

As for an one-way immersion program (population is not 50/50, but anyone can attend), the only time the target language is used, is mainly in school. It uses a slightly different approach where parents might still feel the same way, unfortunately. Because all students start learning the target language from the same point and all the support is coming from the school, there isn't much support outside of the classroom. This is something I am struggling with as the students might not use target language when having playdates.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Pimsleur Approach

Me, also being a language language, myself, have gone through many several programs (most of them requiring minimum cost) to acquire at least a little bit of a language.

Today, I want to talk about The Pimsleur Approach.

I first started with The Pimsleur Approach for Spanish. It is an audio set that comes with 3 levels each with 30 units each. Each unit is 30 minutes long.
I only recommend this to adults who are trying to learn a language in a very fast pace.

I will start off with the good things about Pimsleur. It teaches social language (language you use for interactions in the restaurant, in the streets, meet/greet, etc.). This is perfect for those who just wants to travel and just know how to get around. Because it emphasis audio learning, it really drills you down the pronunciation of the language; you really do end up sounding more native because it forces you to practice speaking. The things they teach are based on what discussions you might encounter while abroad; it wouldn't teach you words you wouldn't really encounter. For example, it would teach you words such as "water", "bathroom", "excuse me", "thank you", etc. but not "grass", "dog", "hop", etc. They teach you phrases and sentences at a time for you to start having an intro conversation without teaching you much grammar! Very cool approach as grammar is a bit time consuming if you really want to dig deep into it. If you do, that would be learning the language very in depth and that is what Pimsleur cannot help you with (oops! a little spill to the cons!)

Now the cons. Pimsleur only assumes the phrases you'll need while abroad. It will teach you what to say and how to say it, but if you still want to learn a phrase you want to use, Pimsleur might not teach you. Because it emphasis audio learning, reading and writing comes 2nd in their approach. I believe learning a language is learning all four domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) at the same time. What gets me the most is that Pimsleur pretends you are a male who is traveling to a different part of the world and trying to pick up a lady. In order to pick up a lady, you need to learn how to have a simple conversation with her using your close-to-native-like-accent target language to have a chat. To me, that is a very biased approach and a biased target audience. Another thing that is a little upsetting is that Pimsleur teaches based on translation. They will tell you to say something in English, and you would have you respond in the target language. In a way, you might not have time to think what each word literally means, but you associate yourself producing a certain "noise" (target language) to the English that was previously spoken. Good and bad. Good because you might not have time to translate yourself.

All in all, there are pros in cons in everything. It will work for language acquisition, but it might not work for everyone. Again, I only recommend this to adults who wants to learn a language quickly. I also personally think that if you really do carefully understand the audio, you might be able to start combining phrases (making your own sentences) without having going through much grammar lessons! It doesn't always work though, FYI.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Questioning Parent Volunteer

First post of the year!! Happy New Year Yayayayay :)
Alright, 'nuff celebrating. Back to work heh heh

As a child growing up in the US public school system, it was common for parents to come into the school during the school day (especially during holiday parties) to volunteer and help around the classrooms. I have seen parents set up classrooms, lead activities, bring in prizes, bring in food... etc. All in all, I have seen parents just take over the classroom for the time being.

What I am not so sure about is how this comes about. Do parents email each other and just plan who does what prior to the party and who does what during the party? What do teachers do during planning? What about during the party?

The following links provide some tips:

  1. Communication (clear and in every way possible)
  2. Many opportunities... many
  3. Appreciate them. If necessary, LIKE CRAZY!!
  4. Have schedules ready
    1. For busy parents, be flexible

P.S. It says parents can also help with websites... Need to ask if that's possible in my district.