
Chinese Immersion Classroom

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

US landing, updated list, and recent activities

After a month and a half, I'm back in the States. What a trip back home.

Last week, fixing my jetlag and trying to be productive at the same time wasn't the best idea (took a long time fixing jetlag), but I got some things done :)

Being away from the internet/emails, I had to sit down and just read through all the emails I missed. BOY did that take a few days. I also took the opportunity of not working to go shopping for classroom materials and updated

I also realized some bad news.

My expected graduation date, May 2014, did not happen. Apparently, my ISBE Bilingual/Transitional Mandarin Proficiency test could not be aligned with the Spanish courses I took in college. The state does not allow two languages to be put together and give me my license like that. So what was supposed to be a Bilingual/Bicultural Elementary Education major is now turned to Elementary Education with an endorsement of Bilingual/Biculture Education. Now that I am taking it as an endorsement, I need to complete one more course in order to fulfill my graduation requirement. Very frustrating to say the least.

My original thoughts prior to student teacher:
  • Graduate with Bilingual/Bicultural Elementary Education
  • Minor in Spanish
  • Endorse in science, social studies, language arts
Now the plan is:
  • Graduate with Elementary Education
  • Endorse in Spanish, social studies, language arts, bilingual/bicultural education
  • No minor in Spanish (few credits short)
  • No endorsement in science (few credits short)
Sometimes, things don't go as planned. It's frustrating and disappointing; but this teaches me to be flexible.

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