
Chinese Immersion Classroom

Monday, February 17, 2014

Signing Contract

I'm signing the contract some time this week! Gah... I can see myself growing as an individual to the most extreme but also need to prepare myself to see myself at my worst.

This blog I've written awhile ago still has some questions I want to ask.

I might also have to refer to this link again before I go sign to make sure all my questions are answered. Ugh... starting to forget my questions, again.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

看图识字 // 识字图卡

Found a pretty cool website for the kiddos I think. Not sure how much of it pertains to the curriculum I'll be using, but it's worth a shot to find something fun.

One thing I am a little iffy about... the ads on here might not be age appropriate. How are the founders of this trying to sell their products if kids can't even go on to view kids things?

I need to find a way to find something on this website and maybe find it on YouTube or something.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chinese New Year

I skipped a week's post... I'm sorry (to myself).

Chinese New Year celebration is a pain in th @ss for the Chinese Immersion program. It's fun, but painful to plan for. It's not supposed to be called "Chinese New Year" anyways.

Next year's ideas:

  • Start a month early
  • Review everyday for two weeks (maybe starting guided reading)
  • For the next week, review as a class, everyday.
  • For the week before the performance, review a couple more times
  • Have the kids say something one row at a time
  • Do I really want instruments?????
Song's ideas:
  • 对不起我的中文不好
  • 贺新年
  • 对面的同学看过来